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SEO for non SEO’s

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Search Engine Optimisation (Optimization) or SEO for short covers two areas:
Firstly to fine tune your website to help search engines like Google and Bing find the relevant page using the right keyword.
Secondly to highlight areas of your website to make it easy for visitors to buy your product.

Read about our successes in the Portfolio pages or get in contact to chat about how we can help your website.

SEO status report Knowing where you are going wrong with your SEO campaign is very important. We can provide an extensive SEO audit report which consists of over 60 different checks. We can identify if you have been hit by Panda, Penguin or …

Did you know that 90% of people using Google do not look further than the first page? This highlights how important it is for your business to have its website on page 1. Juicy SEO has years of experience in SEO and can help your website meet its target. Further information on Search Engine Optimisation and how Juicy SEO can help is found here.

Over the last 12 months, more and more people are using mobile devices to search the web. Many websites are not optimised for mobile devices. Juicy SEO know how to optimise your website for both normal computer searches and searches from mobile devices. Contact us to find out how we can help you.