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SEO Phrases – The Glossary

There are many algorithm names and phrases used in the World of search engine optimisation and can be a little hard to keep up with the changes and remember what they all mean. That is why we have created our SEO Glossary.

Below we have many SEO phrases and an explanation for each, we will, of course, be updating as and when new phrases are created or updated so don’t forget to bookmark this page!


The Panda Algorithm

The Google Panda algorithm update concentrates on the quality of the web pages content, if the algorithm thinks the page is of low quality it might penalise it in Google’s search results.


The Penguin Algorithm

Google has an algorithm called Penguin which analyses links to web pages and identifies which ones are valuable or spammy links. An example of a spammy link would be a paid link to your site. Since 23rd Sept 2016 this has joined the core search updates and is now real time.


The Pigeon Algorithm

Google’s Pigeon algorithm concentrates on Local SEO, if you have a bricks and mortar business this is something you should take note of. This ranges from the content on your web pages include local details to links from other local websites.


The Owl Algorithm

Google has an algorithm to target fake news, this algorithm is called Owl.


The Phantom Quality Update

This algorithm rewards website pages for good content, this may now be superseded by Panda and Fred updates.


The Fred Algorithm

On the 7th or 8th March 2017 (depending on where you are in the World) Google released an algorithm which has since been named Fred to score the quality of the content on each page. There is very little details on Fred and in fact, Google doesn’t actually call it Fred themselves just the search engine industry like SEOs.

If you think you have been affected by Fred or Panda head over to Google’s Guideline page and make sure your content is ok.


Mobile First Index

This is a brand new version of the search index purely focusing on providing quality web pages for search phrases made on mobile devices. It is expected to be rolled out in 2018 and will be rolled out on a site by site basis and not all at once.


A TLD means Top Level Domain like .com or .net or An example of one is



AMP stands for Accelerated Mobile Pages. It is a way to display your websites content to help increase the speed your mobile version of your website loads. It is a separate language to HTML.



EMD stands for Exact Match Domains. Matching the domain name exactly with the search term used. An example would be if you were searching for “The Best SEO Information” an exact matched domain name would be:

Partial match domain (PMD) means domain names that only some of the keywords are included, like: