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How do I know what are the best keywords to choose?

Nobody knows your business better than you, believe it or not you can probably think of many keywords off the top of your head. But they might not be the best for your site. We would analyse the keywords you have thought of and streamline them to get the best results.

How do I know where I rank for my keywords?

In our monthly SEO report it will show you where each of your websites pages rank for each keyword. You will be able to see which pages are doing well and which ones need some attention.

If I decide to use Juicy SEO do I need to sign up to a year contract?

No not at all, you can hire Juicy SEO for a month or even a day. We want you to use our services because we get results not because you are tied down to a contract.

How long does it take before I should see some results?

You should normally see changes within 2 weeks if you are just using SEO (this depends on several things including when the search engines perform updates), using PPC will be straight away.

Can Juicy SEO update the content on my website for me?

Although our business is not creating websites we have a wealth of experience in HTML, PHP, CSS, Joomla, Drupal and WordPress. All of the packages cover management of the content.