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Google’s Local Knowledge Now Includes Images

As time moves on one thing is for sure, search engines like Google will not be sitting still. Recently Google has been adding logos and images to their knowledge graph. In the past webmasters haven’t been too sure if the knowledge graph was good for their website or not. By showing the results from YOUR website whilst still on Google (and therefore not clicking to your website) would you would think reduces the amount of traffic to your site. Google says not.

We however, think it does!

Anyway, if your website does get included into their knowledge graph at least your logo will be seen and help with brand advertising.

To receive this knowledge graph result we searched for Conversion Rate in

Google add images to knowledge graph

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Stuart Cole

Stuart Cole

Lead SEO @ Juicy SEO

I have been working “online” since 1996 concentrating on SEO and online marketing since 2007 working with both Sole Traders and international businesses helping their websites perform better.