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Welcome to another edition of Juicy SEO’s monthly SEO report. Each month we highlight the important changes in the SEO industry which ALL webmasters, website owners and SEOs should know about. We de-clutter all the chitter-chatter about rumours and thoughts and tell you about the facts which you should act on.

So with that strong hard hitting start here is the News:

Juicy SEO 120 second Monthly SEO Report

Juicy SEO 120 second Monthly SEO Report


General SEO News:

  • The big news is about the Panda refresh (see below for Panda explanation). Panda has finally started to roll out a refresh, and about time too as we haven’t seen a refresh since late last year. If you are a regular reader of our monthly SEO report (silly you if you are not) then you know this is a long time coming! The update will take a long time however, in the past a Panda refresh would take a couple of days to complete, this time however it will take MONTHS! The reason for this is that it is updating the Panda score per page rather than per site, so it basically has to score each websites page, when you say it like that you can see why it will take months.
  • If you are thinking of making changes to your website for this refresh we think you are too late, we understand that Google has already scored each page now and they are now updating their database. That said this is version 4.2 of Panda, it would make sense you should be ready for version 4.3 if you have missed it! Lets hope it won’t be another 10 or so months (for the record we are not expecting another refresh for at least 6 months!).
  • Incidentally the Panda 4.2 refresh is for all language and country websites not just English written sites.
  • Just so you know the SEO industry didn’t know this was going to happen this month, we knew it was coming as mentioned in many of our previous reports and social media posts but we didn’t know when.


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  • To help search engines (not just Google) find your new pages quicker and easier it is advised to submit a Sitemap.xml file for them to crawl. It is easy to do and there are lots of free plugins out there to create the file. Just sign into the search engines Webmaster Tools and add the file location. There is a Tag which can be used in the file which lets the search engines know when the page was last modified, called LastMod. In the past Google has taken this data into account. This month Google have confirmed that they no longer look at this tag.
  • Google has started sending out another bunch of messages via their Webmaster Tools site, the ones we have heard of are for Hrefland and CSS & JS blocking. If you have not received an email from Google about these it would be wise to check your Webmaster Tools account just to make sure. If you have any questions on these please contact us on either Twitter or Facebook and we will try and help out.
  • Penguin refresh (see below for Penguin explanation) is still months away, end of last year was last one. So this give you plenty of time to remove those bad links to your website.
  • Google has confirmed that they do not treat the different TLD’s  (see below for explanation) of a website any differently unless they are country specific.  If the TLD is country specific like it will focus it more on the home market version of the search engine. Therefore if you are targeting an audience outside of your home country (international) you should look into a more international TLD.
  • In some of our previous monthly reports we have mentioned that content in Tabs which are not displayed at page open will not get the full SEO value that the tab which is defaulted to be open (see our SEO tip in May 2015 monthly report), now it looks like it has spread to the use of the CSS command ‘display: none;’. So just be a little careful with the content that is not being displayed at page load.

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Panda: The Google Panda update concentrates on the quality of the web page content, if the algorithm thinks the page is of low quality it might penalise it in Google’s search results.

Penguin: Google has an algorithm called Penguin which analyses links to web pages and identifies which ones are valuable or spam links. An example of a spam link would be a paid link to your site.

Pigeon: Google’s Pigeon algorithm concentrates on Local SEO, if you have a bricks and mortar business this is something you should take note of.

TDL: A TLD means Top Level Domain like .com or .net or